Since the year 2000, Hispanic League has proudly awarded over 690 scholarships to well-deserving students in Forsyth County, demonstrating our commitment to educational advancement and support. These awards add up to nearly $2,000,000 in scholarships, which significantly contribute to the academic journeys of our scholars as they pursue their dreams. Our diverse group of scholars attends many different accredited colleges or universities across the country, enriching their educational experiences while fostering a strong sense of community and achievement.
En 2024, otorgamos un número récord de 51 becas a estudiantes extraordinarios que buscan continuar su educación. Este logro no solo refleja nuestro compromiso con el desarrollo académico, sino también la dedicación de los solicitantes que han demostrado un potencial excepcional. Cada beca representa una inversión en el futuro de estos estudiantes, así como una oportunidad para que contribuyan positivamente a sus comunidades. Estamos orgullosos de apoyar sus sueños y aspiraciones educativas.
The 2025-2026 Scholarship Application is OPEN.
The International Scholarship & Tuition Services (ISTS), an independent agent, assists with the criteria and fair selection of the scholarship winners.
Program Key: HispanicLeague
To apply for the scholarship, applicants must:
Be of Hispanic/Latino origin
Must be a NC resident
Must be a high school senior, high school graduate (including GED), or undergraduate student who have been accepted into a regionally accredited institution of higher education in the United States (excludes graduate studies)
Must have attended a school in Forsyth County, NC
Must be in good academic standing (2.7 GPA Minimum)
Have financial need
Apply to an accredited institution of higher education
U.S. Citizenship is not a requirement
ELL or ESL is not a requirement
When does the next scholarship cicle open?
Open from January 15 until March 1.
Program Key: