from Partner Organizations

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Hispanic League offers multiple packages for employers.
Select the option that is best for you.
Non-Profit Membership
Every year
Becoming a member of the Hispanic League as a non-profit opens the door to a supportive community, invaluable networking opportunities, and collaborative initiatives, enriching your organization's mission and impact within the vibrant Hispanic community.
✓ 2 Job Postings a year (a $40 value)
✓ 1 Featured Guest on our platforms
✓ Logo placement on Hispanic League's Partners page with link
✓ Tailored seminars for your team
Every year
Position your business for success by becoming a proud member of the Hispanic League! By joining our community, you're not just gaining a membership; you're unlocking a host of exclusive opportunities for networking, collaboration, and demonstrating your commitment to diversity and inclusion. Embrace the benefits of a Hispanic League membership and let's build a future of shared success.
✓ Tailored Benefits for your business
✓ Unlimited Job Postings
✓ Recognition across our platforms
✓ Logo/Link placement on our Hispanic League Partners page
✓ and more!