You are invited to the Ribbon Cutting and Open House for the new, state-of-the-art Intergenerational Center for Arts and Wellness (Generations Center) on November 17, 2023, at 114 W. 30th Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27105.
Hispanic League is proud to announce its permanent home in Winston-Salem this November, marking a significant milestone in its mission to serve the local Hispanic and Latino community. The organization has secured a dedicated space within the newly constructed Senior Services Intergenerational Center for Arts and Wellness building, located at 114 W 30th Street in Winston-Salem, NC. This strategic move will enable the Hispanic League to provide a consistent and accessible location for the benefit of the local Hispanic and Latino community. The 21 Generations Center partnering organizations will be on hand between 11:00 AM—2:00 PM to provide interactive experiences, demonstrations, live performances, and more!